Palm Leaf Plates & Sustainability: Key Points To Keep In Mind

How palm leaf plates are made?

Fancy some natural aesthetics for your next mealtime? Whether you are living a sustainable lifestyle or simply want a break from those super flimsy plastic or paper single-use plates, our palm leaf plates are here for some happy meals.

Made from nature's finest and naturally fallen Areca palm leaves, our compostable palm leaf plates are a sustainable alternative to the usual single-use plastic plates.

So, if you are planning to make your meals more sustainable or want something special to serve for your wedding day, here's what you need to know about our palm leaf disposable plates:

How Palm Leaf Plates Are Made?

Stating again, our range of compostable palm leaf plates is made from naturally fallen Areca palm leaves. So, rather than plucking fresh leaves, we rely on sustainably sourced leaves to make these plates.

The process of making palm leaf plates usually starts with collecting naturally discarded leaves. Because no leaves are plucked, we rely on timber-free resources to put forth the best disposable plates. Usually, trees shed their old leaves, which are picked and upcycled into plates.

Once the leaves are collected, each leaf is washed and rinsed to get rid of any dust or dirt. After rinsing, the leaves are hand-washed with a mixture of pure water and turmeric. This helps us get rid of germs. Later on, the leaves are rinsed for the third and final time.

After the leaves are thoroughly rinsed, they are left to be air-dried. This allows us to stray away from toxins and offer nothing but the most natural to you.

Moving forth, the leaves are stretched and go through the high-pressure heating press to get the leaves molded in the desired shape. You can go for square or round palm leaf plates, and also choose from different sizes, like 10-inch palm leaf plates, depending upon your needs.

Once we get the palm leaf plate in mind, it is sent over to quality checks and is sun-dried, cleaned, and trimmed before it gets ready for shipment.

Are Palm Leaf Plates Compostable?

Yes! Being made from just plants and no plastic, our palm leaf plates are compostable. Offering a back-to-nature promise, our plates are certified to break down into compost within 90-180 days.

Wait, what's the difference between compostable and biodegradable?

While both terms, biodegradable and compostable, imply breaking down, they are pretty different from one another. To start with, everything in our system biodegrades at some point in time.

The only difference, however, is that while our palm leaf plate might take just 180 days to biodegrade and form compost, single-use plastic plates usually take about 200 years.

Another notable difference between the two terms is that when plastic plates do break down, they leave a long trail of microplastics in the soil. This contaminates the soil, thus affecting soil health.

Compostable products turn into compost when they break down. For instance, our palm leaf plates are certified to break down in 90-180 days into compost after being disposed of in a compost bin. This compost is toxin-free, plastic-free, and ultra-rich in nutrients. The compost can also be mixed in with the soil to provide some important nutrients to improve water retention levels of the soil.

Hygiene Quality of Palm Leaf Plates

Made out of the finest natural resources, our palm leaf plates are absolutely free from any chemicals or toxins. These plates are also microwave and oven-safe, and can also be used to freeze some stuff in the freezer and store some leftovers in the refrigerator.

In short, we offer the best palm leaf plates that are absolutely safe for you and the planet.

Summing It Up: Buying The Best Palm Leaf Plates

Are Palm Leaf Plates Compostable?

Whether you are planning to buy palm leaf plates for a wedding or simply looking to make your everyday meals more planet-safe, our collection is here for all kinds of moods.

For starters, our palm leaf plates are USDA-certified for being 100% bio-based (plant-based). The base material (palm leaves) is also responsibly sourced. Being made from just plants, our palm leaf plates are also compostable and non-toxic.

Moreover, if you are planning to buy palm leaf plates in bulk, make sure to reach out for customized needs.

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