Carbon Footprint: 5 Ways to Reduce Carbon Footprint

What is Carbon Footprint

Let's first understand what a carbon footprint is. Your carbon footprint represents how much you contribute to global warming.

Every time you step into your car, charge your mobile phone or switch on the TV, you leave a trail of gases that build up in the atmosphere and contribute to climate change. 

In simpler terms, everyday human activities result in the emission of greenhouse gases that settle up in our atmosphere, increase the rate at which our planet absorbs heat and radiation, and result in global warming and climate change.

The volume of these greenhouse gas emissions is called carbon footprint. And in order to offset these footprints, it is essential to know what your individual carbon footprint is. 

So, if you are planning to do your bid towards the planet, and are noticing buzzwords like this surface, don't fret! Here's what carbon footprint means, how to calculate it and five simple steps to offset your footprint. 

What is Carbon Footprint? 

As stated above, the trace of greenhouse gases emitted by different human activities is called carbon footprint. Technically, the most important contributor to global warming is carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon footprint measures the direct and indirect influence of CO2 and other gases like methane, nitrogen oxide, perfluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride.

According to a study conducted by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), greenhouse gas emission in 2019 was the highest, with the highest CO2 levels, compared to that of more than three million years ago. 

In fact, contrary to the common belief, the carbon footprint has not stopped expanding. It has elevated elevenfold since 1961, and accounts for 60% of everyday human activities. 

Personal Carbon Footprint

Your personal carbon footprint would mean the volume of greenhouse gases you emit, resulting from everyday activities like travelling, moving out, consuming food or using energy. The Nature Conservancy states that every human produces an average of four tons of CO2 every year, especially in countries like the United States. 

Moreover, the NGO also states that to achieve the right level of carbon footprint to live a net zero carbon life, we need to reduce the average level of carbon footprint to two tons every year for every individual. The study has clearly stated that this would be the best way to offset our impact towards the planet and reverse climate change, which would be irreversible otherwise. 

5 Easy Ways to Reduce Carbon Footprint 

1. Drive Less

Cutting down on your miles is perhaps the best way to reduce your personal carbon footprint. In fact, how much you drive is not the only deciding factor. The more acceleration or breaks you use, the more greenhouse gases you emit. So, drive more fuel efficiently, share a ride to work or walk when the distance is shorter. 

2. Eat Local or In-Season Foods

It consumes a lot of energy to plant, cultivate, harvest, and bring food to your table. So, the more you go for fruits or vegetables that are not in season, the more you are contributing to global warming. So, when buying groceries, shop locally and go for in-season produce. 

3. Compost Your Food Wastage 

One of the best ways to reduce your food waste is by composting it. Along with composting food scraps like vegetable and fruit peels, you can also compost products available at EcoSoul. All our everyday essentials, like palm leaf plates or plant-based compostable cups, are certified compostable, tree-free and plastic-free.

4. Limit Air Conditioning

Another way to reduce your carbon footprint is to limit the use of air conditioning. And, if it is scorching hot, avoid setting your air conditioners at a very low temperature. 

5. Be Energy Efficient 

In essence, be energy efficient. Use limited energy or resources by carpooling or limiting the use of air conditioning. You can also switch to renewable energy resources like solar energy for electricity. This will help offset your carbon footprint to a greater level. 

Wrapping It Up

If everyone contributes to reducing their personal carbon footprint, we can easily achieve zero carbon living by 2050. And as stated above, working on your footprint and living a sustainable life is easier than it seems. 

Drive less or at a smoother pace, eat local produce and go for carpooling or public transport. You can also use plant-based single-use essentials like  tableware  available at EcoSoul to reduce your reliance on plastic single-use products.

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