4 Ways To Be Eco-Friendly, This Hanukkah 

4 Ways to Make Your Hanukkah Eco-Friendly

Love, Latkes, and Hope: Hanukkah is almost here.
Here's how to celebrate it in an eco-friendly way.

The miraculous times are here! Yes, Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights, is almost here, and honestly, it's an easy one to mark the end of 2023 on a sustainable note. 

Traditionally, Hanukkah is celebrated by lighting a nine-branched menorah and reciting blessings to commemorate the oil, lasting eight days. It's also much about feasting, including food that symbolizes the story of Hanukkah. 

And, like any other celebration, this too can be celebrated sustainably. With that in mind, we've put together the easiest and best eco-friendly tips to celebrate Hanukkah in an eco-friendly way this year.

1. Paraffin? No. Beeswax?

Yes Lighting each candle every day is an important tradition of Hanukkah. But, instead of going for those usual paraffin wax candles, you can go for all-natural options like beeswax candles. 

Technically, paraffin comes out of petroleum, which could mean you would be exhausting a non-renewable resource. On the other hand, eco-friendly alternatives like vegan or plant-based candles can be a great way to light candles that burn cleanly. Plus, unlike paraffin candles, these candles do not emit harmful gases and keep you safe from possible health hazards.

2. A Menorah that could last the Rest of your Life

Menorah is a Hebrew word used for lamps. When shopping for it, you can choose to buy a lampstand that is well-made and could last for a longer period of time. 

That being said, try to go for a Menorah made out of long-lasting material like glass, metal, or ceramic. (Definitely not plastic.) And, while you can choose to visit the online stores, try to check out your local stores too. This will help you support small businesses and help you give back to the local communities.

3. A Responsible Feasting with an Eco-Friendly Touch 

One of the best parts of Hanukkah is those crispy latkes, ambrosial gelts and some juicy roasted chicken. And, while you may not be ready to go full vegan, you can still choose to be eco-friendly by using plant-based single-use tableware instead of those dreadful plastic ones. 

At EcoSoul, you can explore the widest collection of plant-based and fully compostable tableware and kitchenware made out of the world's most renewable resources. With everyday essentials made straight out of palm leaves, sugarcane bagasse, plant starch and bamboo, you can use these products during your Hanukkah feasting for a more planet-safe touch.

4. Choose to Give Back This Year

Yes, Hanukkah is a lot about feastings. But it's also about expressing love and kindness all around. And, what's a better way than showing our gratitude and care for nature?

Now, for this, you don't need to go an extra mile. Contrary to what most people like to believe, being eco-friendly or giving back is pretty easy. For starters, you can choose to give your feasting leftovers to someone in a shelter or simply donate your old clothes to someone in need. In fact, you can also visit a local animal shelter and spend some time with them. Even easier, take a walk out in nature or go for a short trek.

Read more:  4 ways to celebrate Eco-friendly Holiday